

Professional coffee training near NYC | Aprende a preparar café profesional

New Jersey Coffee School

Business Consulting

New Jersey Coffee School Business Consulting

New Jersey coffee school Spanish classes | Aprende a preparar café profesional

We offer consulting services for people who are planning to open a specialty coffee shop or add coffee as an extension to their existing business (e.g., bakery or restaurant) as well as for new and existing coffee shop owners or managers who are looking to make their operations more efficient, obtain barista training, or improve their profitability. Our goal is to put you in the best position to make decisions that will improve your opportunity for success and avoid common and costly pitfalls.

Free Business Consulting Services

  • Anyone can schedule an introductory call with us to discuss your needs and we will recommend the best course of action best suited to address those needs, whether that be one of our classes or our paid consulting services.
  • We offer up to two hours of free consulting to anyone who completes our 3-day Professional Business Class and receives our New Jersey Coffee School Certificate of Completion. We will provide additional guidance on applying the knowledge, training, and tools you were given to real-world practical issues or just go more in depth on any one particular issue.

Paid Business Consulting Services ($200 per hour)

  • We offer phone or in-person hourly paid consulting to anyone whether they have taken one of our classes or just need some independent consulting. We will customize the consulting session(s) to accommodate your needs.

  • Our services generally fall into the following broad categories and include a wide base of key things to consider in each category:
    • Best practices in the Planning Stages of opening a coffee business
    • Approaches as you get closer to the actual Grand Opening
    • How to Profitably Manage the Business Once It Is Open
    • What is needed to achieve a consistently great-tasting cup of coffee 

Business Hours

Monday - Sunday
9 AM - 5 PM
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